How do I Sell Used Construction Equipment?

Ever wonder how Generation Z, aka Gen Z, plugs into auctions?


To Gen Z bidders, an auction is perceived as a fun and exciting way to purchase goods or services, especially when it is done online or through social media platforms. Auction platforms and marketplaces have been a part of the e-commerce ecosystem their entire lives. Many Gen Z individuals see auctions as an opportunity to acquire unique or rare items and find good deals on things they are interested in.

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Going once, going twice, gone! Farm auctions are moving online, that’s changing a rural tradition

Auction photo crop

Online transactions have become a big part of the auction business. The National Auctioneers Association estimates 70% of the industry’s $3 billion in sales come from the web.

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Going once, going twice, gone! Auctions are moving online and changing a rural tradition

Virgil auction topper

Auctions — a marketplace for knick-knacks, farmland, and everything in between — are often also gathering events for rural communities. That’s changing as more auctions go online.

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In a predominantly and historically male-dominated profession, where is a woman’s place in the aucti

Women in auction

In a predominantly and historically male-dominated profession, where is a woman’s place in the auction industry?

How many women are auctioneers? When you picture an auctioneer, you’re not wrong if that image includes a man in a cowboy hat. That is a historically, and even currently, accurate depiction of a typical auctioneer. 

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